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Bears and Dolls
Bears and Dolls


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Bears & Dolls:
Freedom Bear

13" Plush Boy Bear w/overalls and small dog
Item# AA-6/643
Liberty Bear
13" Plush Girl Bear w/Dress and small bear
Item# AA-6/644
Patriotic Angel
15" Muslin angel with stars n stripes dress
Item# AA-26/727
$ 8.95

Soccer Autograph Bear

12" Fabric Soccer Bear for teammates' signatures.
Item# AA-6/930
Baseball Autograph Bear
12" Fabric Baseball Bear for teammates' signatures.
Item# AA-6/929
Autograph Dog
11" Fabric Dog for autographs and messages.
Item# 6/748
Ballerina Bear
3" mini plush Ballerina Bear with jointed arms and legs.
Item# 6/796
$ 5.95
Bride/Groom Bear Set
12" Bride and Groom Bear Set
Item# 6/773
Career Bear
3" mini plush bear. Choose from:
Sailor, Teacher, Chef, Fireman, Nurse, or Farmer Bear.
Item# 6/798
$ 5.95 ea.